Bubble Bath

Half an hour later, Amy and Jordan were in the bathroom at Amy's house. Jordan was naked, in the tub and up to her neck in bubbles. Amy was wrapped in a towel and sitting on the edge of the tub with her back to Jordan. Amy was having second thoughts about this bubble bath idea. Well, her body wasn’t having second thoughts. Her body was rip-raring to go. Her brain was worried. Her brain kept saying things like “What if she finds me unattractive? She’s seen dozens of women naked, what if she thinks your butt is too big? What if she thinks your boobs are too small? What if you start to make love to her and you’re doing it all wrong?”

"Aren’t you getting in?" Jordan asked.

"To tell you the truth, I'm a little nervous," Amy said. "I've never done this before."

"You've never taken a bath?" Jordan teased.

"Not with a naked lesbian," Amy said.

Jordan laughed. "Put on your doctor personae. You see naked women all the time, right?”

"I'm not worried about looking at you. I'm scared about you looking at me."

"How about if I promise not to look at you?"

"Can I turn out the lights?"

"Okay. If that's the only way you'll get in the tub with me."

Amy crossed to the light switch and turned it off. The room plunged into darkness. She shyly let her towel drop to the floor. She slipped into the tub, facing Jordan and sighed with contentment as the hot water engulfed her.

"See? Taking a bath with a naked lesbian isn’t all that scary, is it?"

“I could get used to it,” Amy whispered.

Jordan took Amy's ankles and stretched her legs out on top of hers. Amy rested the back of her head against the tub and relaxed as Jordan rubbed her feet. She'd never had anybody rub her feet before. It felt wonderful. Funny how Jordan rubbing her foot felt more sexual than Chad putting his hands all over her body. Did that mean she had always been a lesbian and didn’t know it? Did it mean she was in love with Jordan? Or was it just lust? And why did she have to ask so many questions all the time? Why couldn't she let go and feel? Just feel?

"What're you thinking about?" Jordan asked.

"How good it feels, you rubbing my foot," Amy answered.

"Just wait until I get full use of both my hands."

Amy slid down further into the tub. Jordan switched to rubbing the other foot. "Can I ask you a personal question?" Amy asked.


"Have you been a lesbian your whole life?"

"Not yet."

Amy laughed. “You know what I meant.”

Jordan continued, "Yeah, pretty much. I tried to date a boy in high school but it didn’t work out."

“Why, what happened?”

“I kept kissing his sister.”

Amy laughed. "So me being naked and feeling like making love is all right even if I haven’t been a lesbian before?”

“Oh, it’s seriously all right. But I have to ask you a question,” Jordan said.


Jordan ran her hand up Amy’s thigh. Amy shuddered. Jordan said, “That crazy guy at the restaurant. He was the one in the hospital room, right?”

“Yeah,” Amy said, not liking where this was leading.

“He’s not a homeless man, is he? He knew you.”

“Yes. He knows me. His name is Chad Dorring. He’s a doctor at the hospital.” The water suddenly felt very cold to Amy. She shivered, but this time not in a good way.

“What is he to you? Is he your boyfriend?”

“No,” Amy protested. “He’s not.”

“Because, if he is…” Jordan continued.

“He’s not, I promise,” Amy said. “I don’t want to talk about him anymore, okay?”

There was a lengthy pause then Jordan said, “All right. Now where were we?”

“Right about here, I think.” Amy leaned in to kiss Jordan. She ended up with a mouthful of bubbles and sputtered.

"What was that?" Jordan asked.

"I was trying to kiss you."

"Oh. Well, you stuck your face in my armpit."

They laughed. Jordan said, "You sure you don't want a little light? Just a tiny bit?"

“I know what.” Amy crawled out of the tub, saying, "Wait right here. I'll go get some candles."

Jordan heard the door click open and closed. She sank back into the warm water and let her thoughts drift. Of course when she took the bridle off, her thoughts roamed toward the physical. She imagined Amy by candlelight. Amy naked. Amy's lips. Amy's lips kissing her. Amy's breasts. Amy's breasts sudsy and wet. Amy's stomach. Amy's thighs.

The door opened. “Cover up, I’m coming in.”

“What?” Jordan squeaked.

The woman’s voice said, "Sorry, but I can’t wait. I just have to pee real quick. I’ll be in and out."

Jordan held her breath and hoped this intruder was Amy’s roommate. Maybe if she kept quiet she would hurry and pee and go away.

Jordan heard shoes squeak across the bathroom floor, the sound of a zipper and then somebody peeing in the toilet. "Sorry, Amy, but I had to go. I don't want to interrupt your Zen bath or anything, but I thought I ought to warn you about something."

This peeing person thought she was Amy! Now Jordan was really at a loss. She didn't know what to do. If she told whoever it was that she wasn't Amy, she would have to explain what she was doing in the tub. And she didn't think Isabel, if it were Isabel, would appreciate a stranger in her bathtub – especially when she had her pants down around her ankles. So, she kept her mouth shut.

The woman continued, "The word is that Chad is going to ask you to marry him. Tonight. He's on his way over. He told Jeremy that he bought you a ring. Jeremy tried to call you, but you’re not answering your phone, so he called me. He said it was huge! The ring, I mean. Chad told Jeremy you were playing hard to get. Said you were dating somebody else just to get him to man up and buy a ring. So, he did. Can you believe it?"

No, Jordan could not believe it. But it all made sense. It made sense in an icky kind of way. Amy was playing her just to get this Chad guy.

The toilet flushed. Which was a good thing because it covered the noise of Jordan’s heart splintering into about a million fucking pieces.

There was a timid tap at the door and Amy’s voice from the other side said, “Jordan? I couldn’t find any candles. So get ready, here I come in the flesh and nothing else. Let there be light!”

The overhead light came on.

Amy stood naked in the doorway with a hand on the light switch. Isabel’s pants were around her ankles. Jordan was naked in the tub.

They looked at each other.

Amy said to Isabel, "What're you doing in here?"

Isabel said, "Peeing. What're you doing naked? And if you’re over there who is that in the bathtub?”

They looked at Jordan.

Jordan rose, grabbed a towel from the floor and wrapped it around herself. She found her voice and said, “I’ll tell you who I am. I’m obviously the other woman. The woman who doesn’t know when she’s being played for a fool.” She headed for the door.

“Wait,” Amy said, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around herself, too. “What’re you talking about?”

“Game’s over,” Jordan said. “I’m out of here.” She marched out of the bathroom.

Amy stayed glued to the floor, unable to comprehend what just happened. She heard the front door open and close. “What happened?” Amy said to Isabel. “I just went to get candles. What happened?”

Isabel grimaced. “I think I may have accidentally told her Chad was coming over to propose to you.”
