I stood in the foyer, staring out the glass doors at the circular driveway, waiting for Dizzy to arrive, equal parts trepidation and excitement. I was ready as hell to get out of this place, to see my brother, to watch television, to surf the web, and to wear something besides a Second Chances’ track suit. But I was really worried how I’d handle things out there in the real world…on my own.

After paying the rehab bill, I still had ten thousand left from the signing bonus that Black Cat had given me. But I knew I wasn’t going to keep it. I was planning to give that back and work out some kind of repayment plan for what I’d already spent. I had taken that money under false pretenses. And being a cheat and a liar didn’t sit well with me anymore. Especially not with the person I had set my mind on becoming.

A dark blue sedan with tinted windows pulled up in front of the building. Dizzy jumped out of drivers’ side and jogged around the front of it. I threw open the front doors and dropped my bag just as he lifted me up and twirled me around in a circle.

“Lace,” he said, hugging me so enthusiastically that I could barely breathe.

“Diz,” I wheezed. “Too tight.”

“Sorry.” He loosened his grip and leaned back to look at me. I saw a look of relief pass through those eyes so similar to my own. “You look fantastic, but how are you feeling?”

“It’s not like I had a terminal disease,” I grumbled, though I guess I probably had. Anyway, I knew what he meant. Looking in the mirror this morning I’d seen that my skin and hair had regained their previous luster, my cheeks were attractively fuller, my eyes sparkled with awareness, and the jeans and t-shirt that had been loose when I checked in was actually a little snug now. Getting your life in order and eating three meals a day instead of shooting up will do that to you. “Where’d you get the car?”

“At the airport. We’re staying there tonight. I’ve got us an early flight out in the morning. I can’t believe they wouldn’t discharge you until five.”

“Yeah, well, Sawbones is a stickler for doing things by the book.” In response to his questioning look, I explained. “He’s the psychiatrist who runs the facility. I arrived in the evening twenty-one days ago so that’s when I get released.”

I bent down to get my bag when movement near the car caught my eye. As I straightened I saw him. He was leaning back against the hood of the sedan. His black shirt sleeves were rolled up, his arms folded over his chest, and his long legs were spread out in front of him. He was the last person I expected to see, but a welcome sight nonetheless. When he hadn’t gotten in touch with me before I’d been admitted, I’d assumed he’d finally written me off, just like everybody else.

His lips formed a seductive grin. “Lace,” he drawled in that special way of his, and the world tilted a little beneath my feet.

“Bryan,” I managed to reply even though my voice was noticeably breathy.

For several moments he held my gaze. Something in my eyes must have given me away because he sauntered toward me all swagger and verve.

I held onto the pretense of being unaffected by him until he leaned in and the warmth from his breath tickled my ear. “You look gorgeous.”

My stomach fluttered. “I’m surprised to see you here,” I admitted, trying to recover my equilibrium, always a struggle around him. “You didn’t return any of my phone calls. I thought you’d given up on me.”

“I thought the same about you.” He leaned back to looked at me, his tone filled with regret. “I’m sorry. I only overheard part of your conversation with War at the hospital. I bailed when you said you loved him. I understand from Dizzy that I should have stuck around for the rest. I wish I had called you. It’s been hell waiting.”

“Hey, are you guys gonna stand out here all day and stare at each other?” Dizzy raised an amused brow. “Or are you ready to go?”

I pursed my lips.

Bryan just laughed.

Mesmerized by the crinkles around his eyes, I just stood there, blinking up at him. It’d been a long time since I’d seen him look so happy, or that my own heart had felt so light. But then again Bryan always could make me feel that way.

Reluctantly, I released my fingers from his arm and climbed into the passenger seat. There was so much more I wanted to ask him. So much I wanted to believe his presence here meant. The chain from his belt loop jingled as he slid into the back. Our eyes met in the mirror. A heavy expectant vibe zapped across the space between us.

Was this finally going to be the beginning for us?

During the thirty minute drive to the airport, I felt Bryan’s heated gaze on me. My body prickled with awareness. To keep my mind off the predatory male lounging in the backseat, I tried to make small talk with Dizzy. My jaw dropped when he told me about War quitting the band.

“You’re kidding?” I shook my head, but I wasn’t going to feel guilty. That’s a burden the old Lace would’ve taken on. What War did was his own damn business. “What are you guys going to do?”

“I’m glad you asked,” Bryan answered without a pause as if they had this rehearsed. “Diz and I were hoping you would consider…”

“No.” I thought it best to put the cabash on that idea right away. “I’ve decided to leave that part of my life behind.”

“Why?” my brother asked his brow knitted together in confusion. “You’re so good at it, Lace.”

“And you have a contract with Black Cat,” Bryan added.

“I did a lot of thinking about it these past three weeks. That kind of lifestyle is too much of a temptation for an addictive personality like mine. Besides, I realized that being part of a group was what I really loved most about music, and I can get that in other ways. The singing, going solo, that was War’s idea. It’s not really what I want. I’ve decided to go back to school. Study fashion design. I’ve started sketching again.” I shrugged. “It makes me happy.”

Both guys were silent as that blitz of information settled. As Dizzy steered the sedan through the tollbooth, Bryan broke the silence. “Whatever you want to do, Lace, I know you’ll be good at it.”

A surge of emotion clogged my throat. His approval meant that much to me. I gave him a long look that said I-want-to-climb-into-the-back-seat-with-you-and-lick-your-neck. I think he got it because he returned my look and one up’ed me with a sexy smile.

We dropped the rental off and took the shuttle back to the airport. After we checked into the Hyatt Regency inside the terminal, Dizzy suggested we grab a bite to eat together at the steakhouse. I eagerly nodded my agreement. The cafeteria in rehab had been ok, but I was ready for some real food. Dizzy went on ahead to get us a table.

The instant we were alone, Bryan grabbed my arm. His warm calloused fingertips traced a path to my palm that made me shiver. “Eat fast,” he said softly, his piercing grey green eyes glittering intently into mine. “You’re coming to my room after. There are things to be said that can’t wait.”

I nodded mutely; a sudden case of nerves unsettled my empty stomach. I ordered a steak, but was iffy about it now. Bryan and I sat opposite each other at the table. I listened disinterestedly while he and Dizzy went through a list of possible replacements for War. As long as I avoided direct eye contact with Bryan, I was able to continue interacting on a reasonable level. The one time I’d slipped up, the sensual look he had given me had made my entire body tremble with anticipation.

Lucky for me, by the time the food arrived, my nerves were somewhat under control and my appetite had returned. I did an admirable job on the steak and resisted desserts. Right now only one thing was tempting me, anyway.

“Hey, man,” Bryan said to Dizzy when the check finally came, “Lace and I need to talk.”

Dizzy gaze flicked to me. I saw the trepidation in his eyes, and I understood it. I had reservations myself. Not about whether or not to go with Bryan. That was as inevitable as the coming sunrise. No, it was the uncertainty about what might happen afterward that worried me. Surely he would understand though. After all this was Bryan. Not War.

“I’ve got my own keycard,” I told my brother hoping that would reassure him. “I’ll come to our room later.”

“Diz.” Bryan leaned an elbow on the table. “It’s ok. I’ll take good care of her.” His voice was low and deep and I totally got that there was more than just a promise to Dizzy in those words. Imagining just what type of things taking care of me might involve made my mouth dry and my heart rate accelerate.

My brother paid the bill and gave me a hug before I left the table with Bryan. I looked back at him. For a brief moment, I wavered. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

“Lace.” Bryan took my hand and my uncertainty dissolved. I wanted him and he wanted me. The rest was just details.

Holding hands, we made our way to the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, Bryan’s warm hands settled low on my back, right above the curve of my bottom and he slid me close, positioning me in just the right place. Instant hot desire hummed through my veins, and I knew I was lost. He and I were a foregone conclusion that had been on the back burner for years. It was time to turn the heat up to high. I placed my hands on his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin and the staccato rhythm of his heartbeat through the thin material of his button down shirt. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tilted my face up to his. Anticipation flooded my body as his mouth lowered to mine.
