My plant is getting a new leaf!
I can’t believe it. I also can’t believe how excited I am about it.
I mailed the ad to Screw. It ought to be in not next week but the week after.
During my lunch hour I went over to the Post Office box on the off-chance that one of those people I never heard from might have finally gotten around to writing. No such luck. I didn’t really expect it.
Deposited my paycheck. It’s nice getting an extra ten dollars a week. And strangely enough Mr. Karlman has not changed towards me at all. He still acts the same as he did before.
I almost wore one of the new dresses to the office this morning.
Wonder why that is. Maybe I’m perversely upset not to have him falling in love with me. I honestly dreaded it, and now that it hasn’t happened I’m beginning to feel rejected, which is the sort of stupidity I should have learned to take for granted from me.
Jennifer Starr has a 1 p.m. appointment Monday with Dr. Carmine Pecora, practice limited to obstetrics and gynecology. To get on the pill. Picked him out of the Yellow Pages. Because his office is just a few blocks from mine, and also because I like his name. It has a nice ring to it. Carmine Pecora, M.D. I like it better than Ben Casey, even.
I’m going to the Village tonight. Maybe to the concert, maybe to the coffee house (if I can find it), maybe to neither of those places.
I am going to have sex tonight, though.