LEXI TATE is one of the sweetest girls I’ve met, and although her taste in football teams is suspect, I’m having such a good time getting to know her. I came here with Lucy, but she’s been on the dance floor with Kale, her on-again, off-again hook-up, for most of the night, and I won’t begrudge her for that. She’s got things she’s working through, and I’ll support her no matter what.
I was shocked when Knox came up and ‘rescued’ me, as he put it, but in reality, he rescued the dick I was dancing with. He was about to get a knee to the groin when Knox approached, but I allowed him to play the knight in shining armor just to stroke his ego—not that he needs it.
Of course he had to bring up my seeing him naked. As if I haven’t pictured it every night since then. I have to smile at the thought that Lucy hasn’t heard any bedtime crying late at night, and I’m really hoping that she’s been too busy to hear the light buzzing since I’ve been unable to get the images of him hot, wet, and naked out of my mind. I never understood the term spank bank until now. But holy smokes, Knox Wellington has made me a millionaire where that’s concerned.
His knee brushes against mine, and I’m pulled from my thoughts. He smiles at me, a real genuine smile, and I can’t help but get lost in his green eyes and his perfect white teeth that are usually covered by full lips just begging to be kissed. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or the images of him in the shower, but I’m fighting an internal battle, wanting to lean in and taste him and wanting to retreat at the same time.
Fortunately, a waitress interrupts the war in my mind, and I quickly order more to drink. Lucy’s supposed to be the DD tonight, and with all the dancing she’s doing, I know she’s not drinking, so I’m going to enjoy myself and let loose for the first time in a long time.
I turn to Lexi and Jace, and catch them mid-kiss. When I first met Jace, I couldn’t help but feel a slight jealously at how comfortable he seemed with himself and his relationship. Now that I’ve met Lexi, I completely understand. Watching the two of them, I feel a pang in my heart. Drew and I were good together, even if we were slightly incompatible in certain ways. I miss that. I don’t know that I necessarily miss Drew, but I miss being close with someone. I miss being in love. I miss having someone to hold me.
The waitress returns with my drink and I down half of it with one gulp. She looks at me inquisitively and I just nod, indicating that yes, I will take another.
“So how long have you two lovebirds been together?” I ask them, genuinely interested because they seem so in sync with each other.
Lexi looks at Jace and I swear he gives her the sweetest smile. I notice Knox just shaking his head, apparently already knowing the full story.
“Well, it’s kind of a long story,” she tells me, her eyes lighting up as Jace presses a soft kiss against her cheek.
I glance at my phone, seeing that it’s only a little after eleven. “Okay, Lexi, spill it. We have plenty of time!” I have no idea why I care so much, but perhaps it’s because after my failed engagement, I need to hear about someone else’s happily ever after.
“Well, long story short, we were best friends in high school,” she tells me, launching into a shortened version of how they came to be here together, right now. It doesn’t escape my attention the way Jace watches her and rubs her shoulder when she tells me about her deceased husband, and I’m amazed at how calm he is, hearing about the man she married and how hard it was to lose him.
Glancing over at Knox, I can see that he’s watching her curiously, almost as if this is the first time he’s heard this version of the story from Lexi herself. His eyebrows come together when she talks about Ty, but I can see the way his eyes soften when she briefly speaks of the car accident. To be honest, I have no idea how she’s being so candid about it, but I have a feeling that some of that strength comes from Jace.
A moment later Kale Montgomery comes over to the table, with Lucy in tow. She looks at me curiously and then grins once she sees Knox.
“Hey, guys. Lucy’s going to give me a ride home, so don’t wait around for me,” he informs his friends.
I begin to stand up, ready to leave with them. “It was nice meeting you, Lexi, and seeing you again, Jace. Knox, as always, it’s sometimes a pleasure,” I tease, and he sends me a mocking glare.
Lucy moves towards the table. “Oh, Charlie, you don’t have to leave with us. If you can get a ride…” she says, looking around to see if anyone will take her up on it. Lexi catches my eye and gives me a wink, apparently knowing full well what Lucy is wanting to do.
“I’m the DD tonight, and I have no problem giving Charlie a ride,” Lexi informs her, and Lucy throws her arms around her in a hug, even though she’s a complete stranger.
She comes to my side of the booth and gives me a hug as well. “He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you. Get drunk and have fun for once,” she tells me, pressing a kiss to my cheek. Shaking my head, I tell her to have fun and watch as she and Kale leave the bar, his hand placed firmly on her ass.
I raise my drink to Knox, Jace, and Lexi. “Well, I guess y’all are stuck with me tonight.”
“No big deal, girl. I have to take Knox back to his place, so one more stop isn’t a problem at all,” Lexi tells me, smiling widely.
“You can always just drop them both off at Knox’s. She probably has to go there tomorrow anyway. And then we can meet them for brunch or something in the morning,” Jace suggests, causing Knox’s head to flip around quickly to glare at him.
Clearly he hates this idea, so I think it’s genius. “That works for me. Cohen mentioned that the guest bed was pretty comfortable, and I’ll probably have to help him shower tomorrow anyways. We might as well have a sleepover,” I suggest, hoping to get under his skin.
Knox’s knee hits mine under the table, and my eyes rise to meet his. They’re full of heat, and I feel his hand on my knee, moving up to rest on my thigh.
“I’m afraid I’ve never been very good at slumber parties, Charlotte,” he says, using my full name for emphasis.
Lexi looks back and forth between us before I can answer. I’m sure she’s wondering what Jace is trying to start. “Oh, that’s okay, Knox. All you need to know is I promise not braid your hair, and I might make you homemade French toast in the morning if you’re lucky.”
He shakes his head, smiling into his drink, trying to hide it. We’ve both been going crazy, fighting this attraction between us, but I decide here and now to push every single button until he makes a move. Before I can say anything else, he meets my eyes and holds my gaze as his hand rubs my thigh under the table.
Leaning into me, he whispers huskily into my ear. “You don’t have to worry about that, Charlie. I always get lucky when I want to.” He drags his hand down my thigh and then removes it as he looks away from me. Now I’m not sure who’s trying to mess with whom. I think he just got the best of me, but hell if I’m going to let him know.
“Hey, Charlie. Speaking of, how’s the housing situation going?” Jace asks, interrupting the thing between Knox and me, which causes him to look at me questioningly. I have a feeling he doesn’t like the fact that Jace seems to know more about me than he does, but he hasn’t exactly asked for a Q&A session in any of our time spent together.
I toy with the rim of my beer, not sure how much I want to admit in front of him. Since Lucy’s a teacher, she’s about to head back home for the summer to help in her family’s restaurant. Her lease is almost up, and if I don’t find something soon, I’ll be back at Dad’s, the absolute last place I want to be. I’ll feel like a total failure, but if I have to do it, I will.
Grimacing, I answer him. “It’s a work in progress. I’ve gone to a couple of places, but they haven’t worked out. Dad’s already washing the sheets for when I come back home.”
Lexi laughs and brings her hand across the table to hold mine. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I’m sure you’ll find something soon.”
Knox is looking at all of us like we’re crazy. I didn’t mean to unload on Jace earlier, but when he was in my office, I had received a call from a potential realtor and ended up spilling the details to him. I haven’t said anything to Knox about it because, frankly, I didn’t think he’d give a shit.
“You don’t have a place to live?” he asks, leaning his arms on the table, looking at me inquisitively.
“I’m not homeless yet. It’s just that I’m about to be in between housing situations. But it’s no big deal. My dad’s got room for me,” I try to say confidently, although the idea of moving back in with him is depressing, no matter how much I love him.
Jace’s eyes light up, and he looks at me, Knox, and then back to me. “Well, shit. Knox has an extra room, and Cohen just called to say he was taking summer classes so he could get ahead. If you’re going to be helping him out, why don’t you just rent a room from him? It’ll be a win-win.”
At this point, I’d take almost anything to not have to move back in with my dad, but the look on Knox’s face has me thinking otherwise. He’s glaring at Jace, clearly not pleased that he’s making an offer before consulting him.
“Jace…” Knox growls in warning, but his friend just ignores him.
“How long do you have, Charlie?” Jace asks, looking at me.
Sighing, I answer him. “Seven days until I’m on my ass or back to Dad’s.”
Jace looks back and forth between Knox and me, and Lexi’s just watching silently. I can’t help but notice the way Knox’s hands are gripping the table, and he’s staring Jace down, not saying a word.
“Then that settles it. You both need help right now, so why not help each other? It’s like the perfect storm. Call it fate. Whatever. But it’s pretty damn coincidental that you need a caretaker and she needs a roof over her head. Knox, you can give Charlie a place to stay, and she can help you out until you heal. A total win-win,” he confirms, and Lexi’s just shaking her head as she smiles at him.
Knox scowls at me and then Jace, and once again, I’m reminded why I need to not get involved with him. He was just holding me on the dance floor like he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, but now the thought of being around me on a daily basis looks like it’s the last thing he’d want in the world. Suddenly the idea of doing something he hates seems like a good one. I must be crazy, because before I can stop myself, I can hear myself agreeing.
“I mean, I guess it’d make things a little easier on both of us. And then Kale doesn’t have to worry about checking in on him anymore. We’re about to slow down at work anyway since most of the students are out for the summer. That’ll give me more time to help with his physical therapy,” I tell them, mentally talking myself into it. Somewhere in the back of my mind I know it’s crazy to move in with a guy after knowing him for a week, but plenty of roommates move in together when they’re complete strangers, right? Under normal circumstances I’d be channeling my inner Michelle Tanner, screaming, “No way, Jose!” but something about the way Knox seems to hate the idea makes me love it even more.
Knox’s eyes narrow as he listens to me. He stands up abruptly, and I wince for him when I see the sharp intake of breath at the movement. I’m immediately wondering why he’s not wearing his brace. Knowing it’s not the time—or my place—to scold him, I keep silent.
“Jace. Bar. Now,” he growls angrily. Then he walks to the farthest end of the bar and barks an order at the bartender.
Jace gives Lexi a quick kiss and then turns to grin at me. “Be back in a minute, ladies. I think I’m in trouble.” He crutches away, laughing the entire time he makes his way to Knox, and I watch as they both take a shot of something before Knox turns his back towards me so I can’t see what he’s saying.
Finishing my beer, I’m thankful that the waitress dropped off another pitcher, so I refill my glass and take another long gulp. Lexi turns to look at them, shaking her head when she brings her attention back to me.
“Just so you know, he’s completely harmless. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but underneath that hard exterior, there really is a sweet guy just begging to come out,” she tells me.
“I’m not looking for anything from him other than a roommate, so I’m not worried about him being sweet. He can be as grumpy and moody as he pleases,” I tell her, hoping she can see past my lie.
She cocks an eyebrow up at me. “I don’t know, Charlie. You two seemed pretty close on the dance floor out there, and Jace seems to think you’d be a good match for him.”
I have no idea why I find it so funny, but I throw my head back and laugh. “Knox and I go together like oil and water. Ice cream and anchovies. Justin Timberlake and Nick Carter. I have no idea what Jace is thinking.”
“Maybe that’s just because he hasn’t let you get to know the real him. I don’t know the full story, but from what I can gather, he had his heart broken a really long time ago, and I don’t think he’s ever allowed it to heal. Just give it time. He’ll come out of his shell. You’ve just got to poke the bear a little bit, and from what I’ve seen so far, I don’t think you’ll have any problem doing that.”
Oh, great. I guess that makes sense. Some idiot girl along the way ruined him for the rest of us. Now I know I can’t let myself develop feelings for a guy who’s still broken up over someone from his past.
“I have no idea what I’ve just gotten myself into, do I?” I whisper, more to myself than to her, but she hears me and grins.
“Maybe not, but it’s sure as hell going to be fun finding out.”
I’M FUMING as my I make my way to the bar, where I down a shot before Jace even makes it to me and do another one with him after he crutches over. In all the time I’ve known him, he’s never meddled when it comes to me and women, and he’s often played wingman for me. He knows good and well that I’ve never wanted to shack up with a chick.
“What the fuck, dude?” I ask him. He just stares at me with a stupid smile on his face. If my arm weren’t in a cast and he weren’t on crutches, I’d seriously be considering going a couple rounds right now. One of the things I miss the most is getting my aggression out in the ring, and I could go for kicking some ass—preferably his.
“Oh come on, man. I’m doing you a favor. Stop acting like a baby and just accept the help for once in your life.”
“Yeah, easy for the guy with the doting girlfriend to say. You just invited a virtual stranger to move into my house with me, a girl who I don’t even know if I like or if she even likes me. We haven’t exactly become besties this past week, you know?” I say through my teeth.
“Besties? Really? Are you sure you weren’t lying when you told Charlie you don’t do slumber parties?” Jace asks teasingly, apparently having heard my comment to her earlier.
“Whatever, Jace. You know what I mean. Plus, you just told me earlier today that I was a dick to her, so why would you even try to subject her to that? Aren’t you afraid I’ll scare away your new little friend?” I don’t know what it is about her that makes him seem protective, but he’s been in her corner ever since we all met, and it’s kind of irritating, especially since he barely knows her.
“Nah, I know you’re not a complete tool. You just like to act like one. I like her. She seems like the kind of girl who doesn’t take any shit, especially yours, and god, I fucking love that about her. And well…it was pretty damn awesome the way she called me out that night we met. She wasn’t sulky even after you pulled that dick move. She has balls, and I think that’s the kind of girl you need.”
“I need a girl with balls?” Now I’m wondering if Jace was the one who hit his head a little too hard that fateful day in Afghanistan.
“Of steel,” he tells me, grinning into his beer bottle. “Huge balls of steel. Proverbial ones, of course. You know, unless you’re into that sort of thing.”
“Yeah, thanks for the clarification, asshole.” I playfully punch his shoulder.
“Look, just give it a chance. It could be good for you. And I think, in some crazy way, it’ll be good for her, too. Three months. You stick it out for the summer and I won’t make you finish War and Peace if you don’t want to.”
It’s like he just offered me the Stanley Cup carrying a Super Bowl ring all rolled up with an NBA Championship ring, letting me off the hook from reading that book. I know I’m not going to be able to say no. “Do I get the entire summer off from reading it?”
A slow smirk forms on his face, as if he knows something I don’t. “Works for me. You’re officially on summer break, and if you last the entire summer, you can put it back on your shelf and let it collect dust.”
He holds his hand out to seal the deal. Sighing, I shake, wondering what in the hell I’m getting myself into, but I can’t help the anticipation I feel for the upcoming challenge.