Chapter 22


WAKING UP the next morning, I find myself lying flat on my stomach with the right side of my face smashed against the pillow. Opening my eyes, I’m greeted with his gorgeous green ones watching me, and he grins when he sees that I’m awake. We’re facing each other, both in the same position, not touching except for our fingers, which are intertwined. He’s currently rubbing his thumb over mine.

When it comes to sleeping, I’m not a cuddler, and I was pretty damn happy to find out that he isn’t either—not that I was surprised. I like my space when I sleep, and I have to be cold, so wrapped up in someone else’s arms usually means a sleepless night for me.

“Mornin’,” he says, and for the second time since I’ve met him, I can’t believe I’m waking up in his bed. Of course, this time’s under much better circumstances, but I need to be careful because I seriously could get used to this. Even though Knox and I are now ‘official,’ I’m still planning on keeping my own room. It’s way too soon to go from roommates to living together romantically, and I know if I allow myself to spend every single night with him, I’m going to fall hard, fast. Even though I know he’s not Drew and has a clear aversion to cheating, it still scares me to embark on a new relationship.

Smiling at him, I lean over and give him a kiss. Morning breath be damned. I’ve always wondered about that whole thing when reading about those flowery romance novel couples that have incredible morning sex as they make out. Before now, I’ve always been adamant about brushing my teeth before ever placing my lips on another’s, but with Knox lying there watching me as the sunlight shines on his skin, I can’t help but move closer to wrap my arm around him. I let my fingers trail over his back. I love the feel of his firm deltoids and trapezius muscles. I know Knox has been happy about getting back in the gym. The results are already showing, and boy do I love a strong, sexy back.

He deepens the kiss, and in that moment, I finally understand how book heroines are okay with morning kisses pre-mouth washing. When a sexy, rugged, hot-as-sin man is devouring your mouth like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted, you don’t even think about pushing him away. A few moments later, he pulls away from me, grinning. Yeah, I definitely could get used to this.

“I usually get a vocal response, but if you want to greet me that way every morning, I’m completely okay with that, too,” he says as he rises up out of the bed.

I can’t look away as the sheet falls away from him. Even in the morning, he’s still absofreakinglutely gorgeous, and the morning wood he’s sporting may have me salivating, wanting a taste.

Catching me staring, he grins at me. I want to pull the sheet up over my face, pretending I wasn’t just having thoughts of licking and sucking him until the morning’s effects are spilling down my throat.

Shaking his head, he leans down and places a kiss on my lips before heading to the bathroom, where I hear him turn the shower on. As much as I want to join him, I somehow refrain from doing so, not wanting to seem clingy or overbearing. But I make a mental note of getting Knox in the shower since I already know how hot he looks with water dripping down his body. I take a few minutes in the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before leaving the steam-filled room and settling back in on the bed. Grabbing my phone, I see that I have a text from dad.

Dad: Game’s at 4:30. First of the season so you better not be late, or I’m not accountable if all the wings are gone by the time you get here. And I’m outta beer, so pick some up for your old man. None of that light shit.

Damn. I completely forgot that today’s the first game of the season. Dad and I watch every single game together, and we’ve done so since I can remember. The only ones we’ve missed were when I was away at school and couldn’t make it back for our weekend tradition.

Grinning, I text him back. I’ll be on time. Don’t even think about not saving me any wings. Starting the season without them would probably jinx the entire year. I’ll get the beer, and you’ll like what I get, even if it’s light. Hey, is it cool if Knox comes with me?

Our games have always been a father/daughter thing, but he’s had random friends drop by occasionally. I don’t think it’s a big deal if Knox comes. I hope not, at least, because after last night, I’m not ready to spend any time apart. I mean that in the least clingy-girlfriend way possible.

I’m still a little dazed from the fact that we’re together and I don’t want to spend the first day as a couple in separate places. Holy shit. We’re a couple. My phone vibrates before I can give it any more thought.

Dad: He can come if he prevents you from buying light beer, but if you show up with it, he’s not stepping foot in my house. And if he’s an Auburn fan, don’t expect me to not rub in the 49-0 ass whipping we gave them last year.

As if it’s perfect timing, I hear the water turn off, and I can see Knox in the bathroom mirror. All thoughts about football and Dad wash away as I watch, unable to take my eyes off him. Cue the ‘80s porn music. He’s drying off with a towel, and I swear he’s doing it in slow motion just for my benefit. Something about watching him rub the towel over his muscles, down his abs, and in between his legs is such a turn-on, and I’m tempted to push the sheets and comforter off me because I’m getting so damn hot.

“Hey, babe, you hungry?” he calls from the bathroom, and there it is again. Babe.

Before I can answer he walks out of the bathroom, absolutely no shame as he faces me in all his naked glory and rubs the towel over his head. Looking him up and down, I’m licking my lips as I realize that yeah, I’m definitely hungry—but not for food.

Catching my sultry look, he crosses to the bed and leans in, giving me a kiss. I try to deepen it, but he pulls away, leaving me disappointed. I let the sheet covering my breasts fall to my waist, hoping to get him to come back to bed. When he sees my naked chest, he groans, shaking his head. He goes to his dresser and throws a t-shirt to me as he pulls on a pair of boxers.

“Woman, I need food. You took every bit of energy out of me when you jumped on me last night,” he says.

I put the t-shirt on as I give him a dirty look. “I’m pretty sure you pressed me up against the wall the moment I walked in the door, so if anyone did any jumping, it was you.” Getting off the bed, I leave the room, heading to the kitchen to make breakfast for my man. My man. I can’t help the grin that crosses my face at the thought.

“Yeah, but you loved every second of it!” I hear him yell from the bedroom, and I can’t say that he’s wrong.

A few minutes later, I feel Knox walk up behind me as I’m getting ready to flip the bread in the skillet. He wraps his arms around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder as he nuzzles into my neck.

“Do you have any idea how sexy you are right now?” he growls into my ear, his breath tickling me. Shaking my head, I press back into him, and he showers my neck with light kisses.

“Tell me.”


AFTER THROWING on a pair of shorts, I walk to the kitchen to join my girl. Yeah, I’m fucking ecstatic I can finally call her that, and I don’t mind one bit. When I reach the entrance, she’s standing at the stove, wearing nothing but my t-shirt, jamming to the radio that’s playing country songs as she cooks. I know I told her I needed food before anything else, but seeing her like this makes me want to toss her on the island so I can get between her knees and feast on nothing but her.

Knowing that I need to eat but wanting to be close to her, I walk up behind her, grabbing her around the waist. She pushes back against me, and I’m struggling to keep my hand from sliding underneath the oversized t-shirt to get my fingers inside her sweet pussy. Instead, I ask if she knows how sexy I think she is, to which she asks me to tell her.

Leaning down, I whisper in her ear. “I never knew I wanted this until I walked in and saw it. Sweetheart, I don’t know if I’ve seen a more gorgeous sight than you barefoot in my kitchen, cooking me breakfast in nothing but my shirt.”

She turns around, leaning back against the stove. Stabbing me in the chest with the spatula, she looks up at me, an amused grin on her face as she tries to play angry. “I swear to God, if you call me June Cleaver, you’ll realize I’m so much closer to Lorena Bobbitt.”

Backing away from her, I cup my junk. “I don’t even care if you’re kidding. That shit’s not funny. ”

“That’ll teach you to mess with my French toast making,” she tells me before turning back around to work on her meal. I can’t help myself, wanting to be as close to her as possible. Once again, I move back behind her and place my hand on her stomach, pulling her back into me.

“I think you like this too much to ever think of doing something like that,” I say, pushing my groin against her ass as I lean down. Pushing the t-shirt aside, I kiss her neck, down her shoulder, then back up again as I run my hands down her arms.

As she flips the toast, she simply shrugs, acting cool. “Well, I have no desire to see the inside of a prison cell, so I suppose your dick is safe with me.”

Laughing, I head to make a pot of coffee, but not before I press a kiss to her forehead. In the weeks we’ve lived together, it’s been comfortable, but it’s never been like this. This feels…real. Like she’s truly meant to be here with me—not just as my roommate but as mine. All mine, and it couldn’t feel more right.

A few minutes later, we’re sitting across from each other at the island, getting ready to eat what she claims is the most amazing French toast I’ll ever eat. I take a bite, and I immediately love the subtle hints of cinnamon and sugar. Reminiscent of the way she was when she tasted my drunken spaghetti, I’m struggling to stifle a moan. I can’t remember the last time I had a home-cooked breakfast that wasn’t a hard-boiled egg. The taste of this is pretty damn amazing.

“Umm, I’m not sure what plans you have for today, but every year Dad and I watch the Alabama games together. He makes homemade wings, and I usually get the beer. The first game is this afternoon, and I’d like you to come…if you want.”

Even though it seems way too soon for the whole meet-the-parents thing, I’ve already met her dad and I respected the way he approached me. I kind of like that she’s comfortable enough with me to hang out with her dad, which surprises me, knowing I’ve avoided parents like the plague for the longest time.

“I don’t mind watching football with my girl and her dad. Just don’t tell him I’m a Vols fan. We’ve been having a down couple of years.”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. He was just hoping you weren’t an Auburn fan. I’m glad you’re going to come, Knox. Dad means a lot to me, and I know this is new, but it’d be great if you two could get to know each other.” She looks away from me as if she’s unsure of what she’s saying. Putting my fork down, I reach across the island and grab hold of her hand.

“The guy gave me a guitar and had a hand in giving me you. I look forward to getting to know him.” I mean every word. Wade seemed like a good guy when I met him, and knowing he’s raised such an incredible daughter on his own makes me admire him even more. Jesus, I sound like a mushy fuck.

She rewards me with the sweetest smile, and we both get back to eating in silence. Getting up to take my dishes to the sink, she stops me just as I’m rounding the island. Her hand reaches out to stroke my chest and her fingers graze over my tattoo. I’m actually surprised it’s taken her this long to ask about it, seeing as she’s seen me shirtless countless times.

Looking up at me with soft, deep brown eyes, she finally asks. “What does it mean?”

Instead of going to the sink, I decide to take the seat next to her. “I got it the weekend I graduated from EOD school. I had plenty of time to dwell on what happened, and when I heard the quote, it spoke to me. It’s Latin for ‘Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you,’” I tell her, looking directly into her eyes. It was actually something Jace had said to me in passing when we were both reeling from the loss of our women. When he said it to me, he had no idea about Megan. I think it was more of a mantra for him, but I couldn’t get the words out of my mind. At the time, I took it to mean that I’d take the pain from Megan’s betrayal and shut myself off. I’m starting to see it in a whole different light, thanks to Charlie. Like the pain of losing Megan was worth every single second now that I have her in my life.

Her small hand covers mine as she gets up from her seat and positions herself on my lap. “I think it’s beautiful, Knox. But…I have to ask. Do you believe it?”

Sucking in a deep breath, I look into her eyes to find them searching mine and I know the truth. “I didn’t think it was possible. But yeah, sweetheart, I’m beginning to think I do.”

Her eyes light up and she twists in my lap so she’s straddling me. Leaning down, she places a soft kiss on my lips before she pulls herself closer to me, rubbing lightly against my groin.

“I’m beginning to think that all the pain from my past was worth getting me here, too,” she says, and her words penetrate my heart. Something shifts inside me, and I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I’m starting to fall for this girl. I’m going to fall hard.
