OH. MY. God. The way that Knox and I danced around each other in the ring is reminiscent of how we’ve been over the past couple of months. There have been innocent flirting and touches, but the way it felt when he was on top of me, whispering into my ear… It was such a turn-on. I’ve thought about his lips on mine more times than I can count, but no fantasy could ever live up to the real thing. I don’t think he actually intended on kissing me, especially the way he simply placed his lips on mine and then did nothing else. I couldn’t help myself. Something ignited inside me and I had to make him take it further. And thank Christ I did. When I felt his erection pressing against me, I almost lost it. Knowing what he’s packing made me want him even more.
I’m still reeling from it, and if it weren’t for the interruption, I’d be begging him to take me home right now. If I had my way, I’m not even sure we’d make it out of the garage. I make a mental note that hot, sweaty sex on the hood of Evelyn is one fantasy that needs to be fulfilled.
A female voice is calling his name from across the gym. When we exit the ring, I come face to face with a very petite, very beautiful woman. She has wealth written all over her, in her designer suit, Gucci purse, perfected hair, and manicured hands.
“Megan,” he says impassively.
Holy shit. It doesn’t take much to put two and two together, and now I’m confused as hell. He’s never said anything about them still being in contact. And I have no idea why she’d be tracking him down at the gym. She takes a moment to look me up and down, but her face is blank and I can’t read her.
“Can we talk?” she asks.
In response, Knox places his arm around my waist, pulling me close. “Whatever you have to say, you can say it on front of Charlie,” he tells her, and I watch as her eyes narrow.
Sighing, she places her hands on her hips. “I know you saw me coming, Knox, and while I appreciate the show, you didn’t need to prove your point that way. You always hated PDA. No need to play it up for my benefit.”
Umm, excuse me? He saw her coming and that’s when he kissed me? What the hell? Was he just playing the pretend role like he had with Drew? Did I totally misread everything? I mean, he got hard, so he had to have been turned on. Then again, as far as I know, he hasn’t been with anyone since I’ve been living there, and now I’m wondering if any female contact would have that effect on him.
As if he’s reading my mind, he makes introductions. “Megan, this is my girl Charlie. Sweetheart, you’ve heard about Megan.”
Well, fuck me hopeless. Pushing away the disappointment, I put on my brightest smile as I snuggle closer into Knox before extending my hand out. “Ah, the infamous sister-in-law, right? How nice to meet you,” I tell her, laying it on as thick as molasses.
She shakes my hand before turning her full attention towards Knox. Pulling away from his embrace, I lean up and place a kiss on his lips. “I’ll let you two talk.” I walk away before he can protest.
Heading towards the locker room, I decide to change and go into the sauna, hoping no one’s in there since there’s only one and it’s coed. I could definitely go for a little relaxation. A few minutes later, I’m leaning back on a bench, enjoying the heat in nothing but a towel, and it feels amazing as my muscles loosen up.
Moments later I feel someone sit down next to me, and without opening my eyes, I’m hoping to God it’s not one of the creepy old men who like to hang out in here.
Kale’s voice interrupts my solitude. “Damn, Charlie, that was quite a show. I had no idea that y’all were like that.”
Opening my eyes, I turn my head towards him. “Screw you, Kale. You messed with my concentration and let him take me down.”
Laughing, he shakes his head. “Oh, I think you’re quite all right with how that sparring session turned out. Looked like it, anyways. So tell me, pretty girl. How the hell did you get Knox Wellington to drop his guard and practically take you in the boxing ring? I’ve never, and I mean never, seen him practice PDA.”
“It was just a ruse, pretend. It wasn’t real. He was just doing it for that bitch’s benefit,” I say. I know I sound like a brat, but it feels like a million different emotions are running through me right now. I thought I’d gotten through to him that night when I told him he was lucky. If he still, eleven years later, is trying to make her jealous or has the need to make a show that he’s moved on, then he’s clearly not ready to start anything with me. I’m just glad I found out before we got home and I made a fool of myself.
Kale looks at me, brows furrowing. “I don’t think that was pretend, Charlie. At least it didn’t look like it.”
“Well, then he missed his calling, because he could win an Academy Award with that performance.”
He shakes his head, apparently not agreeing with me. “Whatever you tell yourself. If he was faking, I wouldn’t mind being your consolation prize. I’m totally cool with being second choice.” He’s grinning at me, and I take a moment to really look at him. At around six feet, Kale’s the shortest of the guys, but he still has a few inches on me. He’s leaner than Knox, and while he’s not as muscular, he has a definition to them that would have most girls salivating. His dark brown hair is almost always messy, unless he’s in uniform, but it’s his smile that I think really draws the women in. Rocking the pretty-boy face of the group, he has dimples in each cheek and they deepen whenever he flashes a panty-melting grin that showcases his perfectly white teeth. If it weren’t for Lucy, I might’ve fallen victim to his charmingly good looks, but he’s always been off limits. Now that I’ve met Knox, I’m more than okay with that.
I’ve known Kale for a couple of years, ever since Dad and I joined this gym. He’s the ultimate playboy and not shy about it. At the same time, he and Lucy have this weird connection. As far as I know, they’re friends who hook up occasionally. They even go out together and play wingman with each other. It’s a strange dynamic and I don’t even pretend to understand it.
“Sorry, Kale. Not gonna happen. I love you, but you know I don’t do casual. And sleeping with you would be like sleeping with Lucy. No, thank you.”
I have to laugh when a shit-eating grin comes across his face. “I like the sound of that. Tell me more. In fact, we don’t even have to play the transference game. I love you ladies enough to let you make a Kale sandwich,” he says, winking at me. “You know what they say. Kale does a body good.”
Smacking him on the arm, I just shake my head at him and he protests.
“What?! I’m serious. Kale is low in calories, high in fiber, and has zero fat,” he says, sounding like a nutrition ad. He stands up, a towel hanging low on his hips. Pinching at his six pack, he emphasizes the ‘no fat’ part. “They also say Kale’s good for cardiovascular activities.”
“I’m actually pretty creeped out right now that you’re trying to sell yourself based off the criteria of a vegetable,” I tell him.
“Oh, god, please tell me this asshole isn’t giving you the whole ‘Kale is good for your health’ speech. I swear, he gets so much tail from that line and it makes me weep for all of humanity,” Jace says, joining us in the sauna. Kale simply flips him off, and I grin at the sight of both of them, shirtless, barely covered in towels, sweat beads rolling down their bodies. This is threesome freaking heaven for a woman.
“Hey, Kale. What was it you were saying about sandwiches?” I tease, and he backs away from me.
“Nope, nuh uh, no way. I don’t do man meat. Straight pussy. That’s all.”
I love ruffling his feathers, and I’m just messing with him, knowing I’d never touch Jace with a ten-foot pole. Not that he’d let me.
“Hey, Kale. Have you talked to Lucy lately?” I ask, hoping to maybe get some insight on their relationship.
He gives me nothing when he just shrugs, picking at a loose thread on his towel.
Jace interrupts, grinning at me like he has a secret to share. “That’s such bullshit. Our boy Kale here made a special trip to visit your friend last month for the Fourth of July.”
Kale glares at him, and I’m wondering why Lucy never mentioned it to me. We talk almost every day. Come to think of it, I remember that I wasn’t able to get ahold of her except through text around that time.
He quickly changes the subject to rag on Jace about Lexi, but it’s obvious that he doesn’t mind as he starts telling us a funny story about her niece, Ava, who apparently loves to make Jace watch Finding Nemo every time he sees her.
“I swear, if I hear “Let’s Keep Swimming” one more time, I might throw something at the damn TV.” He says that, but the way he smiles when he talks about her lets me know that she probably has him wrapped around every single one of her little fingers. We make small talk for a little while longer before Jace gets all serious faced on me.
“He doesn’t want her anymore, you know. He just hasn’t been forced to move past it. Until now.”
Looking back at him, I’m wishing beyond hope that he’s right. “I guess we’ll see.”
A strange look crosses his face, and I can’t decipher it. “Yeah, I guess we will.”