Chapter 19


WHAT THE hell was I thinking? With all the weirdness between Knox and me, I have no idea why I agreed to go on a date with someone I’m not even remotely interested in. I guess I was caught off guard when one of the guys at the gym, Chris, asked me out. It was the day after Megan showed up, and at the time it seemed like a good idea. Go out with someone, get my mind off the person that I really want. And Chris seems like a nice enough guy. He’s in a band I’ve seen play several times, and he’s really talented, so I figured, why not?

But now that I’m sitting in front of my vanity, applying the last bit of makeup before I’m picked up for my date, it seems like a foolish idea. Last night with Knox was amazing, and I feel closer to him after he let his guard down and played for me, showing me a little bit of his vulnerable side.

I’m really hoping I can get out of the house before he comes home. I don’t need him seeing my date, especially since I know they know each other.

The doorbell rings, and I thank the Lord that I’ll be gone before Knox gets home from work. Pinching my cheeks, I stand up and head towards the door, opening it.

Chris fills the doorway, handing me deep red roses. While they’re beautiful, I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes at the most cliché bouquet a girl can get. I know I need to adjust my attitude or I’m going to be a terrible date. Putting a smile on my face, I open the door wide, inviting him to come inside.

“You look gorgeous, Charlie,” he says, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek.

“Thanks, Chris. It’s nice to see you in something other than boxing shorts,” I tell him, and I mean it, not that he doesn’t look good in them.

Taking a minute to check him out, I realize that I’ve never noticed just how damn attractive he is. He’s only a couple of inches taller than me, probably putting him around five foot ten. His jet-black hair is covered with a black baseball hat, and the dark stubble of a five-o’clock shadow on his face is extremely sexy. He’s wearing ass-hugging jeans and a Staind graphic tee. I have to applaud his music choices. Where Knox has the rugged military man look down, Chris is definitely the epitome of hot rocker. Lucy and I have spent plenty of nights at his band’s shows.

Getting in the car, he automatically places his hand on my thigh, and I’m not sure if it’s friendly or flirty. When we finally arrive at our destination, I groan, realizing he’s taken me to the same pub Knox did. I’m in a slight daze as we’re led to the same freaking booth where Knox and I sat. The memory of his lips on me, his chest pressed against mine, flashes in my mind.

“Charlie? You ready?” Chris asks, interrupting the memory just like Megan interrupted the kiss itself. I see the waitress waiting patiently, and I go ahead and order the exact same thing I did last time I was here.

“So, Charlie, I know we’ve been going to the same gym for a while, but I don’t really know much about you,” he says, launching us into a comfortable conversation as we get to know each other better. I’m only slightly mortified when he tells me he’s twenty-four. I had no idea he was younger than me, and while it seems a little weird, I’m enjoying how carefree he is. I also love listening to him talk about his music.

“How long have you been playing the keyboard?” I ask, wondering if he knows the song Knox was playing. Dammit, Charlie. Stop relating everything to Knox, I chastise myself, knowing I need to concentrate on Chris.

The rest of the meal goes by quickly as we get lost in conversation. When we leave the restaurant, he surprises me by taking me bowling.

“Umm, can we have the bumpers? I haven’t been bowling since I was high school, and I was awful even back then.”

Looking over at me, he grins. A sexy dimple forms on his left cheek, and I wish it did something for me. When I look at Chris, I don’t feel a spark or a pull towards him, and I’m actually kind of disappointed.

“Don’t worry about that, Charlie. I can show you my technique and you’ll be bowling strikes in no time.”

Laughing, I shake my head. “I seriously doubt that, but you can try.”

When we get to our lane, we lace up, and after a few frames, I can tell he’s feeling pity for me. I’m about to release the ball when I feel him walk up behind me. Placing one hand on the small of my back, he covers my hand with his on the ball. We’re in perfect alignment. An involuntary shiver runs down my spine when I feel his mouth against my ear.

“Bowling is all about time, patience, proper grip, and the perfect follow-through. Don’t rush it. Wait until you’re ready, palm the ball, and let your movements flow fluidly, still in motion even as you release it.”

Pulling back, he guides me through the motions, and when the ball leaves my grip, it flows perfectly down the middle of the lane, until about halfway through when it curves off to the side and goes into the gutter.

“See? It’s hopeless.”

He grins at me as he picks up his own ball. “Baby steps. You’ll get there. Or maybe you were just too nervous with me standing so close to you,” he says, winking at me. And for the second time tonight, I’m wishing that were the case.

We continue to play, and two hours and a beer tube later, my prediction is correct. I’ve lost every single game we’ve played, even when he tried to take it easy on me. But the playful back-and-forth forth banter has been a lot of fun, and I can see myself being friends with this guy. I wish I’d gotten to know him outside the gym sooner.

Finally, I beg for mercy. “I don’t think my ego can handle losing one more round, Chris,” and he laughs at the 254 to 67 score. “Besides, what kind of guy kicks a girl’s ass on the first date? What happened to chivalry?” I’m only teasing, and I’m glad he quickly picks up on it when I grin and bump his shoulder with mine.

Shaking his head at me, he sits down to change out of his bowling shoes. “You forget I’ve seen you in the ring. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the pissed-off look you get when you know someone’s taking it easy on you.”

“You’ve watched me box?” I ask, surprised, because other than Kale and Jace, no one ever hangs around to watch.

He chuckles as we turn in our shoes and head towards his car. When he opens my door, I slide in and he rests his arm against the top of the car, leaning in. “Charlie, every guy in that gym has watched you box,” he tells me with a smirk as he closes the door and runs around the front of the car before getting in on his side.

“What are you talking about?” I ask, because I’ve never noticed it before.

He looks over at me, an incredulous expression on his face. “You’re kidding, right? The first time you sparred with your dad, I’m pretty sure every other fight in the gym stopped. Since we’re such a small gym, you know as well as I do that we don’t get many females in there. They all go to the popular one downtown, so when you came in, we were all intrigued. And trust me, not a fight goes by that someone isn’t stopped, watching you.”

“Really? Huh. Well, I guess I’m too deep in concentration to notice. But if everyone’s so interested, why can’t I get anyone to fight me except for Kale and Dad?” I ask, wishing I could get some more competition.

“It’s probably a combination of things. First, your dad’s there. No guy wants to kick a girl’s ass, and they definitely don’t want to do it in front of her old man. Second, I’ve seen your moves, and you’re good. It’s an ego thing. No one wants to get beat by a chick, no matter how good you are. Except Kale. That guy doesn’t give a shit about ego.”

“What about you? Why don’t you get in the ring with me?” I ask, hoping he’ll agree to spar with me so I can get more experience with different techniques and opponents.

We’re pulling into the driveway, and when he shuts the engine off, he turns towards me. “To be completely honest, I’ve only gotten into boxing in the past year or so. I’m pretty sure you’d beat me, and I don’t think my fragile little ego can take it.” He laughs, and I’m grinning at him.

“At least you’re honest. But seriously, Chris, let’s get a couple of rounds in sometime. I’ll take it easy on you.”

“You’re on,” he says before clearing his throat. “I did notice you boxing with someone else the other day.”

Oh god. I’m on a date with a guy who got to witness Knox and me making out in the middle of the ring.

“Oh yeah? Did you see the cheap takedown? I could’ve kicked Kale’s ass for that,” I joke, trying to keep it light.

“Yeah, I saw that. That and a whole lot more. This is his place, isn’t it?” he asks, gesturing towards the house. I’m pretty sure Knox is home. There’s a light shining in the living room window. Suddenly, I realize how awkward going inside is going to be.

“Yeah, it’s a long story, but we’ve been roommates for a couple of months now.” I leave it at that.

“Look, Charlie, I had a great time tonight, and I like you. I really do. And I’d love to get to know you better. But I’m not going to get in the middle of things if there’s something going on there. I like to think I’m a nice guy, but there’s one thing I won’t do, and that’s share. And I don’t want to pursue someone who’s not available. So I guess that’s two things I won’t do,” he says, grinning at me with that dimple showcasing again.

Three months ago, I’d be all over this. I know Chris would’ve been a perfect rebound from Drew. But now there’s only one guy I want, and a rebound won’t cut it. Before I can say anything, he senses my hesitation.

“I get it, Charlie. I saw the chemistry between you two, but I’d be a pussy if I didn’t give it a shot. Like I said, I had a great time tonight, and I’d like it if we could be friends.”

Smiling, I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. “That sounds perfect, Chris. I had a great time, too, and I would love to hang out more. And still, I want to get you in the ring.”

“Fine, fine. We’ll set something up, but you’ll have to take it easy on me to begin with. I can’t have this pretty face all bruised up at a show. Come on. I’ll walk you up.”

When we get to the porch, he pulls me into a hug, surprising me when he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

“See ya around, Charlie.” And with that, he turns and bounds down the driveway, leaving me on the porch watching after him. Even though Chris and I are just going to be friends, I’m feeling content after having a good night out, happy that I was able to get Knox off my mind, even for a little while.
