
Derek, no amount of words would ever been enough to express how grateful I am for all your love and support, and most of all, your patience. You’ve put up with an ungodly amount of dirty dishes, laundry loads, and uncooked meals while I wrote Incinerate. I’m sure our cats also appreciate that there’s still someone around to feed them! I love you, whole-heartedly, and I couldn’t do this without you.

Teri Beth, you’re a magician. Seriously. Incinerate wouldn’t be nearly as polished if your eyes hadn’t come over it with a fine-tooth comb. There’d be an insane amount of ‘so’ written through the book. I’m so grateful to have you on my team.

Stacy, thank you! That’s all I can say. You’re my sounding board on so many things, and I’d be ridiculously stressed if I didn’t have you to vent to. I love your notes by way of voice message. They’re pretty awesome. Keep them coming!

Jenna, he’s the guy you’ve been waiting on! Your notes were invaluable in making Knox the character that you’ve loved since the beginning. I hope I did him justice for you!

Michelle and Bianca, I am so excited I was able to turn you from ARC readers to beta readers. Your input is extremely invaluable, and I love the passion that you express for all of my characters, from Jace to Knox to Sawyer. Michelle, you’re the music queen, and I love getting all your ramblings and music videos that make you think about my characters. Bianca, I always love making you cry, and I promise to never stop!

Aly and Stacey- My OG sprinting partners! You guys are pretty much the best. I love love love every single moment of our sprints, even if we often get sidetracked with wine and pictures of hot guys. I love you ladies to pieces and I am so happy to call you my friends!

The ladies of IRAC, you are the best group of women that I’ve had the pleasure to meet. It’s amazing that we get any writing done with all of the crazy, daily shenanigans, but somehow, we do it. I’m so blessed to be part of such a supportive group. Here’s to many, many, many more successful books for all of us!

The BCG, you’re the best beta group an author could have. I’m so grateful that you guys are there to kick my ass when it needs and that you let me bounce ideas off you without you all thinking I’m crazy. It’s also nice being able to share pics of hot guys!

Ash and Erica, I couldn’t have done this without you guys taking over the blog. You are ROCK STARS and I love you both!

Joshua Saari, not only are you an awesome cover model, but you’re a complete sweetheart. I appreciate all of your support, and the shout-outs you give your fans. I appreciate you giving a chance on me and my work. You choosing me as your first author and book cover is an extreme honor.

There are so many people that worked behind the scenes to make Incinerate happen. Jennifer, Robin, and Mickey, thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this such an easy process. I couldn’t do it without any of you!

Lastly, to my readers. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for taking a chance on me and my book. I hope you fall in love with Knox and Charlie just like I did.
