Chapter 14


IT’S BEEN three weeks since that nearly mortifying incident with Dad, and I’m still kicking myself for leaving the room. Dad stayed around and helped me get situated, and he talked to Knox more than he talked to me. I like that they were getting along, but I’m more than curious as to what they discussed that day.

“Dude, this is so fucking awesome!” Knox exclaims, interrupting my thoughts. When I turn to look at him, he’s standing in the middle of the living room in his usual getup of basketball shorts and nothing else. I swear, he has allergy to shirts, because he’s always walking around this place without one on. Not that I’m complaining. He’s rubbing a towel over the top of his head, drying off from the shower he just took, and I can’t stop staring, wishing I were the towel rubbing all over him.

“Umm, dude, what is so awesome?” I ask, even though I know exactly what he’s talking about it. It’s been a week since he was able to get rid of the brace. He’s been in heaven not having to bother with it, but I personally miss the close moments when I had to put it on or take it off.

He holds up his left arm, which is now free from its cast. When Dr. Branch told him he could lose it at his checkup this morning, he couldn’t stop smiling. I’m equally happy for him. He’s like a kid on Christmas morning, and he’s been that way ever since he left the doctor’s office.

“I’m finally free. It feels so damn good.” He moves towards the couch and pulls me to my feet, wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me around the living room. I know he’s been cleared, but I still worried that he’s going to reinjure himself if he’s not careful. Trying to get out of his arms, I squirm, which causes him to tighten his arms around me. Finally, I just give in. After a few moments, we’re both laughing, and he stops suddenly.

“Okay, I’m going to make myself puke if I spin anymore. We have to celebrate. Let’s go out tonight,” he suggests, looking down at me.

I try to push away the butterflies that flutter within me. “Sounds good to me. I think Jace is in Cincinnati this weekend, but we can see what Kale’s up to if you want,” I suggest, happy that he’s got something to celebrate. I love seeing him in high spirits, and hopefully this is the beginning of his mood swings ending.

Shaking his head, he pulls back from me. “No, let’s go out, just the two of. I owe you for being here these last few weeks and for putting up with my ass. It’s only about to get worse once I start physical therapy. Let’s celebrate and enjoy the night together. If you’re lucky, I might even serenade you with that guitar your dad brought over.” He winks, and I grin, knowing that he’s been practicing. I’ve caught him playing around on it in the living room a few times, but he always puts it up when I join him.

“Sounds perfect. Dad’s been asking me about your playing. I’ll be happy to report back to him that you’re actually finding his guitar to be useful.”

He chuckles, moving away from me. “I wish I’d thought about getting a guitar sooner. It’s been a nice way to pass my time, trying to figure it all out. I won’t be playing at the Grand Ole Opry anytime soon, but you might get me to play a little Hank one of these days.”

“Make it Luke Bryan and you’ve got yourself a deal,” I tell him, secretly fantasizing about his shaking his hips just as hot as Luke does.

“No way, sweetheart. We’re going old-school tonight. I can listen to new country from time to time, but not tonight. It’s all Hank, Johnny, and Waylon.”

Groaning, I fall onto the couch in an exasperated, exaggerated state. “Serenade me with Boy Named Sue and I’ll be yours forever.”

He stops in his tracks and his eyes darken as he takes my words in. A smoldering look crosses his face, but it’s gone in an instant, replaced by his trademark cocky grin. Sweet Jesus. If Knox was a Disney character, he’d definitely be Flynn Ryder because he definitely has the smolder down.

“Oh, no, sweetheart. My Cash song of choice is and always will be Ring of Fire. It’s a bittersweet reminder…” He trails off, not completing his thought.

Shaking his head, he changes the subject before I can ask what he means, but I’m pretty sure I can read between the lines.

“Get dressed up, Charlie. Tonight, we’re going out. Just you and me. And my fucking castless left arm,” he grins, raising it up in the air one last time. I stare after him as he walks down the hall, leaving me alone to think about the upcoming night. Sure, we’ve hung out around the house together, but we’ve never gone out socially just the two of us, and at this point I’m not really sure what to expect.

A WHILE later, I emerge from my bedroom freshly showered and put together. I had no idea what Knox was planning when he said that he wanted to go out. I decided to keep it simple yet sexy. I let my hair air dry, so it falls in natural waves down my back, and I make sure the ever present hair tie is on my wrist in case it gets too hot later on. Heading down the hallway, I hear a low whistle when I enter the living room.

Knox is sprawled across the couch with ESPN on the television, but his eyes are only watching me as I enter the living room. Those gorgeous green irises make a hungry path over my body, where he takes in the green and brown sundress that covers my body—well, the important parts, anyway. It stops at mid-thigh, and I know I’m going to have to be careful getting in and out of the car. He eyes rest of my ample cleavage, and I immediately know that he’s a breast man. Thank the Lord for this latest push-up bra purchase, because his eyes are glued to them. His eyes then lower, and when he looks at my toned thighs, I swear he draws his bottom lip into his mouth, biting gently. Okay, breast and leg man. After a moment, his gaze finally reaches my face, and he smiles warmly.

“Ready to go?” he asks, standing up from the couch. I’m able to check him out as he walks into the kitchen to get his keys. He’s incredible sexy in the dark-washed jeans that fit his ass perfectly. The green button-up he has rolled up to his elbows complements his eyes, and I can’t get enough of him. My mouth’s gone dry at the sight, and I have to force myself to look away before he catches me staring.

“Yep, let’s go.” I wince as the words catch in my throat and he looks at me questioningly. Avoiding his eyes, I grab my purse off the table by the door and make my way outside. I head towards my car as he locks up, but when I go to get inside, I hear him yell my name. Still standing on the porch, he gestures for me to come back to him. When I do, he dangles a set of car keys from the tips of his fingers.

“You’ve played chauffeur long enough. It’s my turn to take you for a ride,” he says, shooting a sexy grin my way.

Shaking my head, I disagree, hating to burst his bubble. “Knox, you heard the doctor. You’re supposed to ease back into it. And under no circumstances are you supposed to drive while still on your meds.” I feel awful that I’m acting like his mom, but if he won’t follow the doctor’s orders, someone’s got to make him.

He frowns at me, and I prepare for the argument that’s about to ensue. I shouldn’t be surprised since it’s par for the course for us. “For your information, sweetheart, I started cutting down on them weeks ago, and I haven’t taken a pill since I got my brace off. I was tired of how they were affecting me.” He pauses to clear his throat. “I just stopped cold turkey. I’ve only had naproxen since then, and I’ve started weaning myself off that as well. I think I can handle driving for one night.”

How the hell did I miss that he’d stopped taking his meds? Racking my brain, I realize I never did see him take them. I guess I just assumed that he did, and since we don’t share a bathroom, I haven’t seen the state of his pill bottle. Thinking back on it, I have noticed a slight shift in his personality over the past couple of weeks, and I have to wonder if the meds were part of the reason he was so gruff when we first met. Pushing the thought aside, I decide to give in since this is his night.

“Okay, Knox. But you better not have a lead foot after having not been able to get behind the wheel for so long.”

Grinning at me, he grabs my hand and leads me to a detached garage that I’ve never been in. Leading me through the door, I gasp when I see his ride. A sleek black classic Mustang sits inside. Aside from the color, it’s the spitting image of Eleanor, the car from Gone in Sixty Seconds. I’ve been wanting her ever since I saw that movie when I was fifteen years old.

I don’t even realize that I whisper her name until Knox’s voice echoes in the garage. “What’d you say?” he asks as I walk towards the car and gently slide my fingers over her hood.

Turning towards him, I can’t contain my awe. When I was a kid, I loved going to custom car shows with Dad, and I was always drawn to the classic Mustangs. I’m kind of freaking out that I’m about to ride in one.

“You have Eleanor!” I squeal, unable to contain my excitement. I can’t believe she’s been sitting out here so close to me this whole time.

Chuckling, he leans his ass against the hood, and it’s all I can do not to tell him to take his ass off the car. “Actually, she’s Evelyn, but close enough. I’m kind of shocked you see the connection. No chick that’s ever been in my car has caught that.”

Shrugging, I know it’s probably because of Dad. “Single father. Tomboy. I was raised to love classic cars and classic rock.”

“Ah, Charlie Davenport, you may just be the girl of my dreams,” he teases, winking at me. Even though I know he’s joking, his words send a fluttering deep in my belly, and I pray I’m not blushing. Before I can respond, he motions for me to get into the car. I try to reel in my inner fan girl, but when my legs slide across the smooth leather, I’m in heaven. Leaning back against the seat, I close my eyes, taking it all in. I’m in Eleanor. Well, Evelyn, but still.

“Okay, sweetheart. I might just get a complex that you only like me for my car,” he teases, shooting me a wink. “If you can go the whole night without arguing with me, I may just let you take her for a spin.”

My eyes widen at his offer, and a wave of excitement washes over me. I’d do just about anything to get behind the wheel of this car. I know that I will be on my best behavior for the rest of the night. “You’re on.”

Smiling, he puts the car in drive and we hit the road. For the first time, I’m completely content and comfortable just being with him.


AFTER BEING off the pain pills for over two weeks, I can happily announce that my cock is fully functioning again, and it’s currently straining against my jeans. The way Charlie practically moaned the name Eleanor as she took in the sight of my car was fucking hot. I can’t call it anything other than auto-lust, and she was head over heels. Honestly, I was shocked that she knew anything about cars, but I’m beginning to realize that nothing about this girl should surprise me.

She spends the car ride checking out all the controls, and it doesn’t escape my attention the way she fingers the leather and then the gear shift. It’s hard as hell to look away when she’s palming it, her thumb rubbing over the shift knob, and yeah, my mind immediately goes into the gutter as I picture her doing the same thing to the head of my cock. Turning my attention back to the road, I turn the radio on and we make the rest of the drive in silence. It’s an unusually comfortable one.

When I pull up to the restaurant I decided on, she’s still messing with the controls on the car. I finally coax her out of the vehicle with promises to let her rev the engine later. As we’re walking into the Blackhorse Pub, I can’t help but place a hand on the small of her back as the hostess leads us to a booth in the corner. This feels suspiciously like a date, but I know it’s not. Hell, I can’t remember that last time I went on a date, and I probably wouldn’t even know how it works these days.

A cute waitress comes up to the table, flashing me her biggest smile while practically ignoring Charlie. Leaning in close, she relays all their crafts brews to me, and I want to shake my head. I have no idea why chicks do this, especially when the guy is with another girl. Newsflash: If I’m with a gorgeous girl who doesn’t look like my sister, I’m not going to give you the time of day, so back the fuck off.

Ordering a beer, I gesture towards Charlie, who’s watching me with amusement. A sweet smiles spreads across her face as she orders the same. We make small talk for a few minutes before our drinks arrive and the waitress asks for our orders.

“I’ll have the filet, medium, with mac ‘n’ cheese and asparagus,” Charlie tells her, and I have to suppress the grin that wants to spread over my face. I nearly order the same, and when the girl leaves us, I turn back to Charlie.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been out with a chick who’s ordered a steak. I mean, never.”

She laughs, and the sound of it does something to me. Not butterflies. Men don’t get those. But it’s something and it’s foreign and I don’t know how I feel about it.

“Yeah, well, I think we established a while ago that I’m not your type, so I can understand why a girl eating a real meal is unnatural for you. Besides, I’ll be sparring at the gym tomorrow and I need the protein.”

Umm, what the fuck? Sparring? She must see the look of confusion that crosses over my face. Taking a sip of beer, she raises her eyebrows and sends a cute smirk in my direction.

“What? You don’t think I can spar?” she asks, and I’m immediately drawn back to the girl-of-my-dreams thought I had when she first saw Evelyn.

I vaguely remember her saying something once about going to the same gym as Kale and Jace, which is a local boxing gym I also belong to. Once again, I wonder how I never noticed her before, but I try not to think too much about it. Before my deployment, Jace and I always went after our shifts and I guess we probably just never crossed paths. There aren’t many girls who come in and box and I know I would’ve noticed her.

“Oh, sweetheart, I know how you love to verbally spar, so I guess it only makes sense that you like to do it physically, too.”

Rolling her eyes, she sighs. “I don’t love to verbally spar. You just make it so damn easy. But yeah, I’ve been boxing since I was a kid. It’s not always easy finding a worthy opponent because the guys at the gym don’t like to hit me, especially with Dad watching, but Kale’s been pretty competitive. Jace mentioned that he goes there, too, but I’ve never seen him. I love doing it. It’s a rush and such a great way to stay in shape, especially with all the training.”

Yeah, it’s official. The girl of my dreams. You know, if I intended on actually settling down. It figures the universe would send the perfect girl to my doorstep, only to make sure that we can’t stand each other half the time.

“As soon as I’m cleared, I’ll box with you. I figure we’re equal when we get in the ring. I promise I won’t take it easy on you,” I tell her, secretly hoping to land her flat on her back, my body pressed against hers as I pin her down, even though we don’t exactly do that when we box.

“You’re on. Kale and Dad are the only ones I can get to take me seriously, and it’d feel good to kick your ass.” She grins before changing the subject. “Okay, Knox, there’s something I’m dying to ask.”

Oh fuck me. This night was going so well. The playful back-and-forth banter has actually been refreshing, and I’ve really been enjoying her company. Now I’m reminded why I don’t deal with chicks. There’s always something.

She’s look at me expectantly and I just nod, encouraging her to continue. Before she can speak, our food is delivered and she cuts into her steak immediately. She lets out a sexy moan as she takes the first bite.

“God, it’s been so long since I’ve had a good filet. I’ve been saving my money to get my own place, so a nice, juicy steak has been out of the question. This definitely hits the spot.”

Furrowing my brow, I’m confused because I’ve gotten used to having her around. We’re about halfway through the summer that Jace bet me to stay with her, and I already know I don’t want her to leave.

My hand reaches across the table and grabs hers. “Charlie, you don’t have to go anywhere. Seriously. This whole roommate thing is working out just fine. I have the room, so there’s no reason for you to leave just because I’m all healed up.”

Her eyes widen and she stares at me as if she’s trying to digest my words. A moment passes before she responds. “Are you sure, Knox? I don’t want to impose. Now that you can drive, you don’t really need me around anymore. I’d completely understand if you want me to move out sooner. I can stay with Dad until Lucy gets back.” She’s fingering the rim of her beer, not meeting my eyes.

When I lean across the table, my hand takes hold of her chin, moving her head up so she’ll look at me.

“Sweetheart, I really do appreciate all you’ve done for me. And…well, I’ve kinda gotten used to having you around, even if you’re a pain in my ass. I guess what I’m saying is I don’t want you to leave yet.”

Her beautiful brown eyes gloss over, and I’m praying that she doesn’t cry. Blinking a few times, she pulls away from my hold. Toying with the paper napkin on the table, she takes a few moments before she returns my gaze.

“I’d like that, Knox,” is all she says, and it’s just enough.

We return to our meals, talking about less serious subjects. She’s curious about Jace and Lexi’s relationship. I tell her what I know, but it really isn’t all that much. The waitress drops off the check, and I am about to pay when I remember that she was about to ask me something.

“What was it that you were dying to ask, Charlie?” I ask, reminding her of whatever was on her mind before she had a foodgasm and forgot.

“Oh, that,” she says, waving her fork at me. “It’s no big deal, really. It’s just me being nosy and you don’t have to answer.” She looks away. “I’ve noticed you haven’t brought a single girl over since I moved in. I guess I’m just wondering if you’re doing that for my benefit. Because if you do, you know, want to have someone over, I don’t mind. Seriously.”

Oh, man. When she said she had something to ask, that definitely was not what I’d been expecting. Leaning against the back of the booth, I finish my beer before answering her.

“Charlie, I appreciate you giving me the okay, but I’m not seeing anyone or even interested in starting anything.” I’m two seconds away from telling her that I like spending my time with her, not anyone else, but she looks past me and pales.

She sits up straight and ruffles her hair, and I’m wondering what the hell is going on. I’m about to ask her what’s up when a male voice beats me to it.

“Hello, Charlotte,” the voice says. When I look up, I see a man standing at our table, staring intently at her. He’s probably a few years older than me. He’s lean with dark hair and stubble that looks like he hasn’t shaved in days. Completely ignoring the fact that I’m sitting here, he continues to watch her, waiting for her response.

“Drew,” is all she says as she slides out of the booth and stands up beside him. I follow suit, but he has his back to me. Putting two to two together, I realize that this must be the asshole who cheated on her. Before I can stop myself, I go around him and place my arm around Charlie’s waist, drawing her into me. His eyes narrow as he takes in the sight.

“So this is him?” he asks, confusing the shit out of me.

Charlie looks embarrassed for a split second, but then she straightens her shoulders and places her own arm around me. She gives me a silent plea, and I just follow her lead.

“Umm, Drew, this is Knox. We’re…” She trails off as if she doesn’t know what to say. Jumping in, I hold my hand out to shake his. He hesitates to shake it, but finally relents.

“She’s just being shy. We live together. Have for about a month now,” I tell him, and I can’t help but relish the way his eyes darken as he looks back and forth between the two of us.

“So this is the guy you said you were seeing?” he asks, quietly, through clenched teeth. Wait. What? She’s seeing someone? The way she looks up at me with pleading eyes lets me know she wants me to be that guy—at least for now—so I draw her in closer to my body, planting a soft kiss on her temple.

“I don’t know what she’s told you, but this girl’s been driving me crazy from the moment I met her. I just can’t get enough.” I know I’m laying it on thick, but I’m having too much fun watching his jaw clench. As he processes my words, I realize that everything I just said is completely true.

Taking a moment to look down at Charlie, I realize she’s watching me instead of him. Her mouth is slightly open and her eyes are wide with surprise, as if my words were shocking to her. Hell, they kind of are to me, but I guess I need to start getting used to the idea that this girl is slowing working her way into my heart, even if I want to fight it with everything I have. This Drew guy clears his throat, causing her to turn back to him.

“It was nice to see you, Drew, but we’re going to get out of here. Have a fantastic evening,” she tells him, grabbing my hand and hauling me towards the door.

When we get outside, she tries to drag me to the car, but I have different plans. Grasping her waist, I push her back up against the building. She gasps at the force of it. I grab both of her wrists and hold them over her head. Looking down into her eyes, I bring my lips to her ear.

“What did he mean, am I the one you told him about?” I ask, resisting the urge to take a taste of her. Feeling her shiver beneath me, it’s all I can do not to press my erection against her, to let her feel how she’s affecting me, how she’s been affecting me.

Pulling back, I look into her eyes, searching them, and wait for her answer. She clears her throat. “Oh, that was nothing. I saw him at the store the day we got into that argument, and he tried to sweet talk me. I may have pretended that I was dating someone, and I guess he just assumed that was you tonight.”

Shaking my head, I grin down at her. “So what you’re telling me is that I’m your fake boyfriend? At least as far as your ex-fiancé knows?”

Grinning at me sheepishly, she nods. “In my defense, I didn’t think of anyone at the time. I just told him I was seeing someone. There was no elaboration.”

I look down in to her eyes, and I notice that in this light they’re lighter than chocolate—the color of whiskey. “So it was all a ruse?” I whisper, leaning in closer so my lips are almost grazing her throat. Feeling her swallow hard and knowing that I’m pushing it, I decide to pull back and release her hands.

She stares at me for a moment before shaking her head, and I’m wondering what she’s thinking right now. “I’m sorry, Knox. When I told him I was seeing someone, I didn’t actually expect to see him out. Thanks for covering for me.”

Knowing I need to pull away from her, I back up and head towards the car. She follows, not making eye contact with me. When we get in the car, she plays around with the radio before stopping on a local station playing ‘hot, new country.’ She grins at me when Luke Bryan comes on the radio, and she sings along as I drive us to the McGregor Park Amphitheater on the Riverwalk where the city puts on events all throughout the summer. The whole time I’m replaying that scene over and over in my mind, wishing I’d found my balls and actually moved in for the kiss. I’m at war with myself, wanting to take this to the next level but hesitant to put myself out there again. The cage my heart’s been locked up in feels like it’s being infiltrated, and it no longer seems so indestructible.

“We’re celebrating at the river?” she asks, turning in her seat to look at me.

“Well, you said you like classic cars and classic rock, right?”

She nods, and I’m happy as shit that my plan is working out.

“I saw earlier on the news that there was going to be a Journey tribute band playing at the Pavilion and figured we could grab a few brews and enjoy the music.”

A huge smile crosses her face, and I think she’s surprised I actually had a plan. Don’t judge me while I give myself a mental high-five, but I’m getting more and more addicted to that smile. Knowing I put it on her face is a definite win.

“There’s no substitute for Steve Perry, but since he had to go solo, I’m all for it.”

Getting out of the car, we grab a couple of beers from one of the street vendors the city hires for these events. Even though it’s packed, we’re lucky enough to find a couple of open seats far enough away from the stage we can watch the band but not so loud that we have to shout when talking. We listen in silence for a few minutes, and I’m more drawn to watching Charlie singing along to Separate Ways than I am watching the band. When the piano begins to play the notes for Stay Awhile, she squeals, grabbing my arm.

“I love this song. Dad was always playing it when I was a kid because he said it reminded him of my mom.” A soft smile spreads over her face, but for a split second there’s a sadness in her eyes. I’m not sure what she’s thinking, but something about the look on her face has me placing my arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close. She leans into me, her head resting on my shoulder as she closes her eyes. We sit in silence as the song continues, before the band switches gears and gets the crowd amped up by playing Don’t Stop Believing.

After a few songs, I can tell they’re pretty good. I’m surprised at how relaxed I am, but I know I shouldn’t be. I’m beginning to always feel this way around her, and I need to get used to it.

Not able to contain my curiosity any longer, I decide to bite the bullet and ask about that guy. “So back at the pub, was that who you were talking about before when you mentioned you hated cheaters?”

Sighing, she pulls away from me as she finishes her beer. “Yeah. I figured you’d picked up on that before when you guessed he was the ex.”

“Well, I assumed, but I wanted to make sure. Pretty ballsy for him to still approach you after being a cheating prick. Then again, he cheated on you, which already proves he’s a fucking idiot.”

“Yeah, well, he’s delusional if he thinks he’s ever going to get a chance again.”

Shaking my head, I can’t help but be happy knowing that she’s not planning on getting back with him. “So what the hell happened? How’d you find out about it?”

Standing up, she reaches her hand out and I place mine in hers. She pulls me up before dropping it, and I immediately miss the skin-on-skin contact. “Mind if we walk for a bit? It’s a little loud, and if I’m going to spill, I’d rather not talk about it around all these other people.”

Nodding, we move away from the amphitheater and start to walk along the Cumberland River, leaving the crowd behind. She immediately draws me into the story when she tells me that she walked in on the fucker banging another chick. Once she’s finished, I’m trying not to let my jaw hit the pavement. We’re a fucking pair, and she doesn’t even know it yet. I don’t know what’s worse—that my ex cheated with my brother or the fact that she walked in on hers screwing a maid. I know this is going to sound incredibly selfish and it probably makes me an asshole, but even though I feel bad that she had to go through it, she wouldn’t be here with me if Drew hadn’t been a royal fuckbag. Don’t get me wrong. Given the chance, I’d love to kick his ass. But then I’d probably stand over him and ask to shake his hand for getting out of the picture.

“Anyways, so that’s my sob story. How about you?” she asks, her shoulder playfully bumping into mine.

For the first time in so long, I find myself wanting to open up to a woman. She just laid it all out for me, and it only feels right that I do the same, but there’s a damn lump in my throat. I’m not sure I can get the words out just yet. We walk in a comfortable silence for the next few minutes. Grabbing my hand, she pulls me over to a picnic table and she sits on top of it, facing the water. I sit next to her, our hands still linked.

“You know, Knox, you don’t have to tell me anything about it, but I’m here to listen if you ever want to talk.”

For some reason, I want to open up to her, and the feel of her hand in mine makes it so much easier. But after eleven years of avoiding this very thing, I have no idea how to even begin and the thought that I even want to confuses the shit out of me. But there’s something about the way she’s looking up at me that makes me want to open my heart to the possibility of letting someone in. Even if it is just for a sneak peek before I shut it away again.
